Sunday 25 April 2010


It appears my blogs are becoming as rare as a Tory who isnt a cunt. Shame.

World Cup countdown is still on, despite the gratuitous advertising

"You need a telly to watch football!" I think Tesco need to change their advertising consultant, as the people watching this advert already have a telly, hence they are watching the advert.

That's like trying to sell spare ears via radio.

Elections are nearing as well, which for most of us, means deciding on who to vote for, but in Ginger Mike's case, it's just an excuse for him to become as racist as a white man in the 1800's and moan about everything and everyone "Clegg's a twat!......So is Brown, as is Cameron!". Decide old man, decide.

Other things are coming up on the agenda as well, and that's nothing to do with the increased sales of viagra.

However, Alan Hutton had an up and down three minutes at the KC yesterday, throwing the ball off Altidore as he lay there like he'd been shot by a sniper = funny, getting your faced smashed in by a headbutt a council estate lay about would be pleased with = not funny, red card = who cares.

Tomorrow i plan to devise my own Olympic set-up with Craig Whiteman. Stay tuned, or as Al Queda would say "Allah, allah, allah, allah, jihad"

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