Monday 21 June 2010


.. the budget is announced tomorrow, but who cares, after all, it means 24 hours until Englands crucial game against Slovenia or whoever it is.
So far, i've been smitten by the World Cup, but i don't understand why, i'd find better football in League 1 these days. Sure, the players are world class and the officiating is of the highest standard, but it's safe to say, compared to other World Cups (at the half way stage), it's been shite. Fewer goals (but thanks for the effort Portugal), and loads of red cards (Thank you Asian referee's). So far there hasn't been a truely outstanding team, the Germans started well but flopped quickly, Spain (ther perrenial unachievers) seem to be doing just that, Italy have stuttered their way to 2 points while Ireland have seemed to defect after the abrupt end Nick O'Nelka's World Cup after a dressing room spat with Ray Done-me-neckin, with Argentina doing good, but looking shakey at theback. And, well, as for England, lets leave that one.
However, I have been pleasantly surprised by Paraguay, and its safe to say, theyr'e okay, and same goes for Uraguay, but my stand out favourites so far have been Chile. Simple as that.

The Cricket season also marches on, but very few actually care about that, because we all know some bats-person somewhere, most probably born in Australia, hit a few 4's, knocked a couple of 6's then ran loads of other numbers, such as the number 1, 2 and 3. So well done that man.

The Tennis also started today, but i don't personally watch it, as we all know some British person will do okay in it, get to like the Quater Finals and get beat off some bloke who's Dad makes watches or fights Bull's for a living and goes on to be the eventual winner, while one of the Williams birds wins the womens.

Motorsport has also been happening, and as part time Brit, Lewis Hamilton wins some stuff like champagne which he squirts at Germans (in an attempt to blind them with the fizzy stuff as to remind them who's boss after 2 world wars and a motorway speed limit of 70), some Italian prick fell on his Cycle and hurt himself, he then said he'd miss a few races and now some Paella eating ponce is winning a few races, but, it's better than the man from the deep south who believes in Jesus and Motorsport and repents Gay's and non drunk-drivers.

Another sport (in which i'm interested in) will grab some headlines, as Northern Irishman, Graeme McDowell won the U.S Open, so well done son, get yourself a beer that sort of is a Guinness, but not quite, or even better, use it as a platform to dig up some stuff from Bloody Sunday that nobody really cares about anymore and claim you back the British Army, or plant a bomb in the Trafford Centre as some sort of victory celebration. But still, well done, you beat the man who plays golf the wrong way round and the man whore (and lapsed faith Buddhist) Tiger.

And it was also good fun watching the Irish midgets ride really big horses really fast over hedges and shit and then some fell off and some men in funny hats (who resembles the Monopoly Man) lost some money, and some won. Get in.

Overall the next few weeks are looking interesting, as a persue my career in being a Sky Sports columnist, I am now changing this bad boiiii to a comical-ish look on sport. Geeeeet up.

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