Sunday 21 March 2010

Bloggizzle in Snoop Dogg tizzle....

is all thizzle nizzle rizzle.



Wednesday 17 March 2010

Monday 15 March 2010


"I will never get tired...
At the look of both disappointment and regret from Ginger Mike (a.k.a Dad) every time I say something stupid or funny. Or both. I get the feeling one day he'll give up, feeling he's suffered long enough that one night as I sleep, he'll run into my room and hold a pillow over my face. Or as push me down the stairs one morning as I got about getting ready. Or he'll kick me out."

My U in History didn't help.

Saturday 13 March 2010

To quote Hollie Lees...

..."According to Alan Campbell I live in the safest area of the UK!"

A mere 3 hours later I got to whiteness some lad getting absolutely battered at a Metro Station in North Tyneside.

Explain that one Campbell.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

When watching Manchester United...

I worry, as it has now become hard to tell whether Sir Alex is celebrating or having a stroke.

Friday 5 March 2010

I will never get tired...

At the look of both disappointment and regret from Ginger Mike (a.k.a Dad) every time I say something stupid or funny. Or both. I get the feeling one day he'll give up, feeling he's suffered long enough that one night as I sleep, he'll run into my room and hold a pillow over my face. Or as push me down the stairs one morning as I got about getting ready. Or he'll kick me out.

Hate this. Going to go away and learn how to become a stand up comedian.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Quote of the week...

"get your phalanges out for the lads."

love it.

In other news, 99 days until the world cup. My countdown is on. Wales for Rugby, England for football. That's how I roll. Bit excited really, although, following England tradition the semi-finals will be as far as we get where we'll get knocked out by some inbred country like Portugal or the Argentinians (but it's okay, we'll get them back when we steal all their oil from the Falklands)

Also nice to see Cameron loosing support by the day. Being from the North it's imperative that he doesn't win, otherwise he'll steal my milk. Twat. Shame that a large proportion of the nation is voting BNP for the crack (or 'craic' as some like to spell it). If they do get in there'll be an egg in direct alignment for a lot of peoples faces, unless it turns out of course, that Nick Griffin is a genuinely nice bloke and runs the country proper good...which I doubt, but we shouldnt jump the gun.

Noticed as well that in Number 10. big Gordy Bee is bullying some of his office staff. Nice touch, but someone in the office should have stood up and said "Fuck off you fat, Scottish, one eyed prick!" Evidently everyone must have been too scared. In all fairness to Gordon though, I like how he gets angry, at least it shows he cares.

Just realised this blog got serious, so lets go back to how it should be. That's if I can think of something funny to say, which i can't.